The Informatics Services for the citizens
- The citizens charter indicating the list of services which are offered by the health and medical department to the public. Updation by Departments, hospitals.
- The cost of services, the procedures to avail the services
- The information about epidemics and their prevention The information related to the medicines available for free distrubution in Govt hospitals.
- The list of approved vendors of food items. Facility to lodge complaints and monitor the status.
- The list of approved vendors of medicines and the approved medicines for sale.
- The rights of the citizens/consumers and the procedures to protect them. Complaints lodging facility Report on complaints Counselling Previous judgements
- Information related to the known diseases and how to prevent them.
- The immunization schedules of children.
- The check list for healthy living.
- Online medical counselling facility.
- Facility to share the medicines/hospital consumables.
- Details of the various schemes and programmes of thhe Govt and WHO to achieve the objective of health for all.
- Details of the family welfare programmes undertaken by the Department.
- Details of the free health camps/exhibitions/melas and their schedules.
- Information pertaining to the Admission Notifications for higher learning in the medical and health field, for specialisation, short term courses, long term courses etc., Provision for updating information or notifying information by the educational institutes. Provision for online application submission. Provision for searching and retrieving information Subject wise, course wise, level wise, location wise, last date wise, elibility criteria wise.
- Employment Opportunities in the health and medical field in India and abroad.
- Medical Research & Literature Information on lates Medical Books being published. Applications
- The information on latest medical Terminology The information related to admission tests preferably with Practice Tests
- Details of ICMR recognised Educational/ Research Institutions offering Research Programmes.
- Details of Workshop Seminars,Conferences on the medical field
- Information on various Diseases
- Information About all Medicines
- Information About latest Therapies
- Information About latest Equipment
- Information About Important National and
- International Projects undertaken in the field of health.
- Latest news related to the health and medical field.
- Information about scholarships, fellowships in medical field.
- Information related to all the recognised institutes of higher learning in the health and medical field in India and abroad. With update facility by the institutes on their activities.
- Hospital activity indicators
- Drug Consumption Reports
- Diseasewise Reports
- Hospitals directory - updating, timings and types of services, medical experts associated
- Medical Experts registration.
- The Government orders. Searching Retrieving , dept wise, section wise, key word wise. Updation by registered users.
- Promotion rules, Transfer rules and related Gos, Information on persons promoted (Data to be updated and kept for one month) Transfer requests of employees, and forwarded by Promotion requests of employees And forwarded by controlling officers.
- Disciplinary rules, TA/DA rules Details of the persons on which disciplinary action taken - and the reasons - info to be kept for one month. Petitions on the pending TA/DA bills and arears - filing by employees.
- Rules related to pay and allowances including disbursement of advances and Recoveries, Details of the persons whose increments are due Provision for petition, application by employees Applications for advances - filing by employees Sanctions of advances - information to employees Through web.
Filing of petitions in getting advances by employees. - Employees Pension scheme related rules and information. Pension sanction details of the employees. Complaints related to non-receipt of wrong calculation of pensions. Counselling and clarifications by the processing staff.
- Employees Provident Funds Act With Ready Recknor PF contributions , balance details and reconcialation.
- Employee's State Insurance Act With Rules and Ready Recknor Insurance premiums paid.
Balance as on date. - Employer's Liability Act
- Information related to the medical re-imbursement of employees and their family members. Orders related to re-imbursement. Eligibility criteria, and referral hospitals, applications and procedures/ Provision for petitions on re-imbursements and counselling.
- Provident Funds Act With Drawal form and submission. PF sanction
- The health demographies of the various districts. Updation facility by the field level persons of the dept. Facility for request for more infrastructure and justification. The infrastructure facilities available vis a vis the requirements
- The details of the funds and resources spent and the impact of expenditure. Facility to update the status by hospitals, and the district officials and reconcialation. Differences report. Facility for lodging complaints by the citizens.
- The status of implementation of various schemes and their impact. Online updation of the progress of implementation. Reporting and query support.
- The stock position of the hospital consumables disbursed, consumed procured. Report from hospitals, drug stores and central drug stores daily and reconcialation. Hospital wise, drugs available - status reporting. Drugs consumed status reporting. Registrations reporting
- The problems being faced if at any level for a prolonged period. Problems reporting, Counselling
- The desirable changes need to be made in the policies for avoiding problems, and related suggestions. Suggestions procurement system Suggestions classification and reporting system
- The details of the new schemes and measures taken up to reduce cost and enhance the productivity in rendering better health services in other states/countries. Success stories updation facility by public, and the knowledge workers in the field of health care.
- Performance indicators of the infrastructure created and manpower employed by the Government.
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